- 5-axis customized abutment milling
- PMMA, Capability to fabricate various protheses made of, e.g. PMMA, wax or hybrid ceramic
- Wireless Auto-Calibration
- Schedule
- Tool Life
- 15 ATCs (automatic tool changers)
- User-friendly interface
- Various templates included
- Frame-integrated casting body with excellent durability
- High-rigidity spindle
- Industrial LM guides
- Equipped with harmonic reducer
- Wireless Auto-Calibration
- 360-degree post-milling cleaning system
- Standard coolant gun
- Automated restart when occurring unplanned suspension
Dimensions D/W/H (m/m) : 600x600x880
Weight : 123kg
Electrical connection value : 110/220V, 50~60Hz
Spindle(W) : 500W
Motor speed (rpm) : 30,000 min-1
Compressed air : 6bar 50 L/min
Tool holder (EA) : 15
Chuck (mm) : 6
Axes : 5
Table : Prepared
Dust collector : Prepared
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