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CORE Surgical KIT

A proven core implant systems
For Digital implant solution




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Cybermed Surgical KIT

Intuitive and concise Cybermed CORE Surgical KIT



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Core 1 Implant

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please click below for Download Lastest Cataloge

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• A self-developed fixture placement kit is available, consisting of drills according to the diameter and length of the fixture.​​

• Ease of use ensured by choosing appropriate stopper or laser marking for fixture implantation depth.

• Color coding based on stopper length for improved visibility​.

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CORE Master KIT full​

[ux_text font_size=”1″]

• A self-developed fixture placement kit is available, consisting of drills according to the diameter and length of the fixture.​​

• Ease of use ensured by choosing appropriate stopper or laser marking for fixture implantation depth.

• Color coding based on stopper length for improved visibility

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CORE Master KIT Simple​

[ux_text font_size=”1″]

• A self-developed fixture placement kit is available, consisting of drills according to the diameter and length of the fixture.​​

• Ease of use ensured by choosing appropriate stopper or laser marking for fixture implantation depth.

• Color coding based on stopper length for improved visibility​.

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CORE Prosthetic KIT

[ux_text font_size=”1″]

• Universal Prosthetic KIT that enhances procedure convenience with general compatibility

• Applicable to all domestic and foreign prosthetic cases with Hex Driver, Unigrip, and SCS Driver

• Angled Hex Driver configuration for cases requiring anterior parts and angles

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• It is possible to perform accurate placement of fixtures with the installation of a guide while lifting and placing the fixture.

• Curved curette design allows for easy separation and elevation of the membrane​

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CORE Sinus Master KIT​

[ux_text font_size=”1″]

• It is possible to perform accurate placement of fixtures with the installation of a guide while lifting and placing the fixture.

• Curved curette design allows for easy separation and elevation of the membrane

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CORE Universal Guide KIT​

[ux_text font_size=”1″]

• Guide KIT that can select and use Drill according to the type of fixture used by the user​

• Various Offset applications possible (9/10.5/12mm)

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CORE1 Guide KIT​​

[ux_text font_size=”1″]

• Accurate and convenient self-developed Fixture Placement Guide Kit using proprietary planning software.

• Concise and intuitive Drilling Sequence with various Offset applications​

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Surgical Kits

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Core 1

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